In grade 3, DS was allowed to go to one of several classroom computers whenever he wanted, for writing longer assignments. He didn't do it very often, but the more he used it, the more he found it helped. The computer was also often used as a reward - kids who were done their work were allowed to surf certain science or history websites. So there was a positive vibe associated with being "allowed" to use the computer - maybe your teacher could do something like that?

The next year, there was only one computer, lots of kids wanting to use it for research and various activities, and no way the teacher could reserve it for DS to have first dibs. The teacher was happy when we suggested we would purchase a cheap laptop and put it in the classroom for him so he always had access and was encouraged to make use of it. Much to my surprise, DS was upset at the idea and said no. I thought he'd be really pleased, but it seems that he had suddenly discovered self-consciousness, in a 4-5 split with lots of older kids he didn't know.

I bit my tongue and let him flounder for a bit and think about it. Then, his three teachers all simultaneously assigned big research/ writing projects. I casually pointed out to him that with a computer, he could type notes, re-use them to incorporate into a draft, revise that draft a couple of times, paste in his references and submit. Or..... he could hand-write his notes, start over to create a draft, and start over again writing for each subsequent draft. And then hand copy the details of his references. And then I quietly walked away.

Next day he unhesitatingly agreed that it would be a REALLY good idea if we put a computer in his class.

The other kids quickly got used to it (really, it's not like they had never noticed DS was a tad different!) Now, two years later, the kids all just assume that's what DS does, and no one thinks twice about it, including him. Interestingly, this year he has moved to a gifted class in a new school, and is one of four kids who keyboard all their work.