Originally Posted by GailP
Really like the comments about finding activities where she can find a peer group with similar interests, where she does not have to diminish her abilities. Such a difficult phase, especially for girls.

I wrote a blog post about this, with links to various articles:http://giftedchallenges.blogspot.com/2015/05/difficult-passage-gifted-girls-in.html.

Oh I've read that blog post before, Gail, when I was worrying about DD a while ago! I loved the advice and it became our checklist smile
I've managed to get DD into quite a few STEM activities run by women which I'm really pleased about (astronomy club, chess club and a series of physics/chemistry workshops), and even some run by men which is also fine lol, she's been to a talk by (and chatted to) astronaut Marsha Ivins who was wonderful, a talk by Nanogirl here in NZ who is awesome, and we watch Vi Hart and Physicsgirl. I'm also going to get her into a local Robogals workshop when we can.
Yes, very much focused on the gender issue but we're trying to counteract a belief she developed a couple of years ago that girls couldn't be interested in science or people would laugh, which I found quite horrifying. We're trying very hard to celebrate being young, smart and female - despite society's general attitude otherwise (latest e.g. a holiday activity at the mall: boys build lego, girls make jewelry. SIGH) I'm the annoying mum in the background, piping up that DD should get to strip the wires during an electronics course, hehe smile