Originally Posted by greenlotus
Well, after lots of nudging and pulling, she finally said she was concerned about being seen as strange, but that she hadn't really noticed any taunting or teasing of anyone about being smart. She said she is just producing her regular writing and not altering it.

So, she is worried about being "weird". And, she is back to noting what makes girls popular (certain tee shirts and I don't remember the other stuff). Definitely some insecurity going on.

If as your DD says, "she is just producing her regular writing and not altering it", then I wouldn't necessarily intervene. There are likely quite a few kids who take that approach and do all their writing during class or even not use the whole class time provided for revisions. You can always ask her to "alter" her regular writing for you so that you can get a sense of how much better her revised/edited writing can be if she puts in the extra time. Perhaps find out from her teachers how far beyond her classmates her writing is and whether there are any kids whose writing approaches hers. There are various competition and publishing opportunities for talented writers so those may be a better outlet for her to demonstrate her superior skills.

I have always been okay with my kids not scorching the earth on every school assignment - A's are sometimes good enough. They can use that extra time to develop their skills with other outlets or even pursue other passions.

Last edited by Quantum2003; 10/20/15 07:59 AM.