Originally Posted by greenlotus
I just listened to our DD10 state something about not wanting her homework to sound like she is too smart... DD is choosing to "dumb down" her writing for language arts. This is where it seems to be an issue.
You may wish to ask what she was thinking when she said this.

For example, her thoughts may be reflective of "knowing her audience" and keen "perspective taking", therefore having an interest in writing in a way that may resonate with others. In this example, the motivation to simplify her writing may be coming from a positive place.

A less positive example of a possible motivation for a student to wish to "dumb down" their writing may be the student having inklings of a practice of differentiated task demands, in which top students are not taught at a higher level (with appropriate curriculum placement, pacing, and intellectual peers in their zone of proximal development) but rather are required to produce at a higher level to achieve the same scoring or grades.

It may be important to learn what your daughter is thinking before making a decision to intervene in her strategy.