Originally Posted by eco21268
Originally Posted by Portia
You have to figure out what is ASD related and what is actual poor behavior choices. You cannot discipline ASD as those behaviors cannot be helped.
I'm hijacking a little, sorry--but how do you make that determination?

And to answer this excellent question - lord only knows. When I know for sure - natural consequences come pretty hard and fast. But in general, I assume he's trying his best, and give benefit of the doubt unless I have good reason to be sure he was just being naughty.

This may well change as he gets older or starts being crafty with excuses. But, e.g., for this week when every kid in school is wild with excitement and there are parties and parades and haunted houses, and oh by the way his birthday is also this week, I pretty much assume any behavior comes out of his extremely elevated sensory "baseline." When the world is all wound up like this - he's just very, very, very close to snapping at any time.