This is a tough topic for us. DS12 is ASD with anxiety, perfectionism, low self-esteem.

While he has been doing a little better in school and with assignments lately, he has been mouthing off at home, and to some extent in school.

He seems to be angry, and he has been easily bored of late. I know this can be signs of depression, though he also has fun when engaged with things he finds enjoyable.

Recently he has been increasingly disrespectful around the house, refusing to do chores, acting aggressively, etc. My wife and I have tried traditional punishments, such as taking away electronics, limiting other privileges, but these approaches seem to just make his behavior worse.

I've had the most success through patience and being sympathetic toward him. Given some time to cool off, he usually comes around and apologizes, but he will not back down in the heat of the moment. Some of his responses are probably just hormones and need time to be worked out, though I am concerned that there may be underlying depression.

Reasoning with him or pointing out his irrational behavior does not work. If he is calm he might understand, but when angry, he is like a brick wall.
