I'm not sure what you mean by "being childish" but if it's letting him fry for not following your advice, then, sure, at least a bit. I think at age 12, you job is to let him pick between reasonable choices. Either the school's plan is reasonable, and you can calmly hand him the "keys," or it isn't.

there is another way, depending upon how sneaky you feel comfortable being.

You can contact the guidance department seperatly and share your concerns. Find out if there is a drop/add period where he can try the regular plan and then "go up" if needed. Lots of schools have this level of flexability.

For me, the toughest times with parenting have been when the school work is underchallenging and he gets "prematurly big for his britches." What seems to help so far is,
1) recruiting other respected adults who agree with you to share their experiences.
2) schedual regular times to be together on his terms, perhaps doing activities that he enjoys and you don't. (He doesn't have to know that you are planning to schedual regular times.)
3) Get lots of support for yourself during this difficult time.
4) Give him plenty of opportunities to overhear you saying positive things about him.

Best Wishes,

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