Regarding chenchuan's comment about letting go--I am struggling with this now. My oldest son is 12 and we had his IEP yesterday about transition to high school. The teachers provided a standard menu of honors/AP classes forecast over the next 4 years. I told him that just because someone presents you with a recipe doesn't mean you have to follow it. You can choose to be creative, if that's what you want. For instance, his ACT scores are very high and I feel I could easily advocate for going right to the jr yr courses. I told him it would mean that he would not be in the same classes as his few friends and might run out of high school classes, but we could figure out online stuff or community college courses. In other words, there are many possibilities and choices. I definitely don't want to make the choices for him at this point because he'd resent me if they didn't work out well. But I hate for him to just sit there and followed someone else's prescribed regimen when something else might be more appropriate for him.

I'm battling the adolescent attitude with him right now (does anyone else hear the leaking tire "pssssssss" every time they say something to their darling child?) So, I'm inclined to let him do the "recipe" and see if he gets frustrated or disgusted and then come to me. At least I told him there are lots of different possibilities that he could choose from.

Am I being childish?