We used the Schonell to assess DS6 and the result matched up perfectly with his age equivalent from the WJIII achievement in Word-Letter ID. And as someone else mentioned, his comprehension lags his decoding ability quite a bit (about 1yr 8months difference).

For my DS6, I think that his aversion to hard work is something that he picked up starting at about 4 when he realized that it was really easy to impress his preschool teachers by just showing off things he learned without really doing anything. I didn't realize how ingrained it was until we started homeschooling and I bumped his work up to his actual ability level. We had constant fights when he had to think about the answer for more than a second. It's slowly getting better and it's been really great to see him take on true challenges, but I don't know that our solution for him at 6 would have been effective at 4. I'm not sure I would have done anything differently even knowing how hard it is on him now. At 4, I was too busy trying to get him to stop challenging *me* to worry if he was challenging himself, lol.