Ren - I can totally relate to this. Both my kids are like this. My daughter is just a few months older than yours. She reads random words when she feels like it. Sometimes she pretends she doesn't even know letters. A couple days ago we were somewhere and she read the word "Enchanted" as a sight word. It was in regular text within other text.

Thus far I've used activities as ways for them to work on these skills. So they get used to learning to build on experience and practice. Music lessons have been great for my son. My daughter will be starting Suzuki violin next month. This year my son took Unicycling, which sounds so odd, but he learned quite a bit about not letting your team or your coach down and sticking with something when it's not very fun. Most of these kids spent about 3 months against the wall on a bike, not going more than 10 feet. So I think you can teach these lessons in unusual places.

And I'm also going to admit, that I sometimes set up incremental reward systems to get through piano with DS. Stickers work really well for my daughter. When DS was starting to read we kept track of books he read aloud (he still hates to read aloud). When he got to a certain number of books we did something special.

I do think these are really hard skills to get to a preschooler, and it is still a long arduous journey with my 7 year old. I'm thinking homeschooling for us is going to help a lot. We just don't have the GT options here that you have.

Anyway - good luck!