Originally Posted by Lorel
Forgive me for saying so Wren, but I have trouble with the idea that a three year old has academic habits that she must "work on". She may be precocious, but she is three after all.

I think it's fine, if it doesn't become your whole lives, which I know you - it won't. I say, that if a little hothousing up front can get her into an academic placement that will work - a big if I know - then I say "Go for it!"

I also think that some 3 year olds are precocious enough to get into bad habits. Some kids seem to be born 'addicted' to the easy answer. Character building happens from birth, and academics is just another area where one gets to practice building character. Just remember to praise every tiny little effort - no matter how small it may be - with a kid who is up against this.


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