So, just to let you know how it all turned out, I emailed teacher to clarify for sure that all other requirements were more than met... And, she responded that DS is actually on the higher level, that fluency is only one piece of reading, and that she will continue to check in with DS on the fluency piece to make sure it is not impacting his comprehension down the road. She said his strengths in comprehension and vocabulary showed that the higher level is a comfortable level for him. She said that regarding the misunderstanding that DS had been moved/placed on the lower level, she had just wanted to make sure that he was still open to reading lower level text as he continues to build comprehension skills and strategies in all areas of reading comprehension, depending on the skill being worked on but that he is not actually or officially on that lower level.


So odd... I am not sure what the heck gets lost in translation but now it's all been a sort-of misunderstanding and he can read the higher level books and he is on the higher level. I end up wondering if I am getting dementia or something because clearly I missed/misheard/misundertood something. Or I hope she didn't just move him to higher level because I started asking about it. I really just wanted to know where he is suppose to be, if that is truly the proper level for him based on how he tested and if not, what is causing regression. I did not want her to move him just because I started asking questions . The only thing that helps me feel slightly more sane (but not much) was DS got the same impression - i.e., that he was not on the higher level due to his testing and was not permitted to read the books labeled as that level.

Interestingly, DS just found out today that two other children who had thought and who had told him were on the same level as he are now on the lower level... The children seem reluctant to discuss why they are no longer on the higher level (were they moved down? why? or were they never really on that level in the first place?) So, he is not sure if they were moved down or if they were never on the level to begin with or what. Also in library or something the librarian told him no one in his class is above black level (grade level) on reading - he responded that he is and he is pretty sure at least one other student is and she responded that she would check but that she is pretty sure that all children in his class were reported as being at the grade level and not above.

I am suspicious. I wonder if she really did just want all the kiddos "on grade level" (not above) for some reason... or if she is being encouraged to do that by administration.

Anyway, I guess all is well that ends well. But wow... I feel like someone of my intelligence (not that I am discovering cancer or anything by any means but I have graduate level education and am pretty strong in verbal intelligence and communication) should not have this much trouble understanding 4th grade reading system.

Last edited by Irena; 10/20/15 07:33 AM.