For Irena,

I'd wonder about your ds' vision with the reading aloud issues. Have you had him read aloud to you at home? I hope it doesn't sound discouraging, but my dd who had vision therapy for muscle tone has had to repeat it once and also needs to still do exercises occasionally to keep her eyes working together. Eye fatigue can also be an issue for her.

Originally Posted by Irena
I asked him if he thinks he needs it again and he thinks because silently he's okay that's it's not his eyes... He says it's his mouth!

LOL about the mouth! OTOH, is it possible it might be his mouth/speech? I'd wonder about that too with dyspraxia, because speech can be impacted.

I'd probably do my own investigating at home, try to see what you can figure out with our ds' help, then if you're able to tie it to his dyspraxia in some way advocate for more challenging reading material at school.

Best wishes,
