Thanks all. I actually went in and chatted with his teachers today and they seemed like I was worried over nothing and all is fine. They said he got 94% on fluency and he needed a 99% but his fluency isn't "bad" per se and all other aspect of test were great - he did very well. The only thing is the IRLA test does not test silent reading comprehension like the DRA, so that is not good for him. She is going to test his silent reading comprehension with another test next week and make plans for him accordingly... and they said he could still read above level work.

I don't know what to think... they said it wasn't a big deal and they they would work on it with him at school and his teacher even said she was happy to have something to work on with him. I guess it's not a big deal after all? My son is very hung up on his "level" he feels like he needs to always be top and top of his class so that is more of the problem - he gets upset at the mere hint that he is not achieving his maximum.

Last edited by Irena; 10/16/15 02:38 PM.