Now it looks like I'm going to have to delve into evolution. smile They asked me about that as well, whether we are descended from chimpanzees, and I said no, we are both descended from something else, and there is fossil evidence showing that we do not look anything like humans millions of years ago, but my own scientific understanding is pretty limited. These "Bible Story" books make out Adam and Eve to be like modern humans. How many kids even understand it when you say "Look, it's not a literal story, it's metaphorical." So then what is it trying to tell us if it's not literal? And which parts of the Bible are methaphorical and which parts are historical fact (as the ancient people knew it). Don't even kids with average IQs question any of this? What do the very conservative religious parents say to their kids? Are there any resources out there explaining how the VERY LIBERAL churches interpret the Bible? Maybe that is something I could give DS (and maybe now DD as well, since she's starting to ask questions). Then they can decide for themselves if it makes any sense.