aeh, I totally understand where you are coming from and I completely understand "the other side" since that is what I grew up with, going to church every single week. I'm not even comfortable saying "the other side" because I can't even say that they're wrong, I just can't say they're right either.

We went out to lunch with my dad and stepmom and DS asked if he could borrow the car keys to get something. So what did he come back with? You guessed it--the Bible. He wanted to keep reading it while we were waiting for our food. My stepmother became extremely excited that he was reading this, and started talking about the books of the Bible, and how they are out of order from what "really happened" in history and I braced myself, thinking DS was going to say the word "mythology" but he kept his mouth shut and showed her the interesting map on the back cover. Yay DS! So maybe he understands.