DS12, with ASD, anxiety and low self-esteem issues, has been on 10mg Prozac since May. When he started having issues in school this year, we upped it to 20mg (around Sept. 1).

Since upping the Prozac, he has been even more emotionally unstable, manic at times, refusing to go to class, and getting suspended. He has been defiant at school and at home. He has always been a straight A student, but his grades are slipping a bit (most likely due to missing class). I understand that Prozac can make anxiety worse, especially in the short term.

Talked to the psychiatrist today and he wants to add 2 mg of Abilify to the mix.

I'm not crazy about adding even more drugs at this point, though I do understand that medications often require trial and error.

Has anyone else been down this path and if so do you have any advice?
