Nan9 go to Wrightslaw and read, read, read. This website will become your best friend on this journey. It is basically the bible for special Ed parents. Also get yourself a copy of "From Emotions to Advocacy" by Pete and Pam Wright. Amazon sells a bundle of 3 of their books that will walk you through the process, give you a primer on special education law and teach you all about IEP's.

I always tell parents entering this process to be prepared for a marathon not a sprint. You will have to dig deep advocating for multiple kids. Bare in mind that there is a HUGE learning curve for parents in this process. School districts and their personnel have been through this hundreds of times - they have protocols, procedures and attorneys. You are starting at ground zero. We have all been there so we can relate. Come here and ask questions and we will try our best to help.

You need to get a written request worded properly. The school districts are obligated to identify disabled kids under child find (assuming you are in the US). Some districts take this more seriously than others and 2E kids often go unidentified because of just the masking you described for your DS. Be prepared to do some serious educating and advocating. The school where my DD did Kindergarten refused to evaluate her because I did not phrase my written request in just the right words. I was repeatedly told "She'd never qualify for services - she's too smart." She was repeatedly told that she was lazy, trying to get out of doing her work, wasn't following the rules, etc. In reality she was profoundly learning disabled, couldn't see the words on the page and physically was incapable of holding a pencil to write. The school didn't see that though. The teachers tried to place her into a category of something they had prior experience with instead. So lazy and underachieving are often applied labels.

The bottom line is your kids are entitled to FAPE (a Free and Appropriate Public Education) under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Someone in your district may take you by the hand and walk you through the process or you may have to fight and claw your way through. It's too early to tell. Good luck and keep us posted!

Last edited by Pemberley; 09/26/15 05:19 AM.