Originally Posted by Nan9
I get the impression that they are not that interested or concerned about my son as his scores are consistently within acceptable range. I know that he will be able to have either a 504 plan or an IEP but at this stage I'm so overwhelmed by all the information that I don't even know where to start. I want to make sure that he gets what he needs to develop his gifts and bolster his difficulties.
What age is your DS? What sorts of challenges does he have in school?

I'm asking because my DS sorta sailed/floated/bumbled his way through elementary school and if I'd known better--I'd have advocated much earlier for some real help.

Depending on the issues, different sorts of accommodations and interventions are warranted. There are many posters here who had children on "grade level" and could easily have been ignored if not for A) knowing how the law works and B) pushing for an appropriate education for their children.

There is specific language to use when requesting 504 or IEP so knowing what your DS needs is a good place to start.