I think it's very interesting if there is a link between retained reflexes and other disabilities like DCD or learning problems. But I wouldn't try any therapy that attempted to correct the retained reflexes unless there is solid research supporting it (unless it looked promising, was very cheap, and not potentially harmful). I felt the same way about VT. It was recommended by an OT but rejected by the opthamologists. I would have done it if we knew for sure that DS had convergence insufficiency, but there was disagreement about that. He had obvious convergence insufficiency after brain trauma, but it resolved on it's own as the 6th cranial nerve healed. A lot of the controversy surrounding VT seems to be about what actually defines convergence insufficiency. I wouldn't be surprised if some vision therapists diagnose just about everyone who walks through the door with convergence insufficiency, even if those people are actually in the normal range and their vision has nothing to do with their difficulties.