DS has DCD and I took him to a ped. neurologist when he was 4 1/2. The neurologist mentioned "dyspraxia" but in the report there is no diagnosis of dyspraxia. Here is what it says under motor examination and reflexes:
Normal muscle bulk. He has diffuse mild hypotonia. He has appropriate full strength in his bilateral upper and lower extremities. Coordination: No tremor or ataxia. No dysmetria with finger-to-nose testing. Reflexes: Deep tendon reflexes in biceps, pattelar, Achilles tendon 2+ and symmetric. Babinski downgoing biltarally. No ankle clonus. Sensation intact to light touch in four extemeties. Gait: His gain is somewhat flatfooted with running. He can stand on each leg for a couple seconds. He can do a 2-footed jump forward. Pes planus observed with standing."

So from this I concluded that he had mild low tone and flat feet. Is there anything else useful? Of course this is from almost 4 years ago so who knows how things have changed. He still has issues with coordination.