Originally Posted by Cookie
And see I grew up in the south where we say....would you like a coke an the person responds yes, and the first person says what kind and the second person says diet dr pepper. And that is a perfectly legit conversation. I know many other words would be better than coke (cold drink, soda, soft drink, etc. ) but that is the way we talk here. I guess my son isn't from the south.

I'm southern. smile Makes sense to me. I no longer have the accent (which makes me sad) but I do still use all the phrases. I'm "fixin" to do everything, I ask what kind of coke somebody wants, and I'll never give up double modals. I had really hoped my son embraced some of my speech oddities but he probably won't.

About a month ago my son had an entire week where all he did was throw some major tantrums which is abnormal for him. Then he went back to normal and is demonstrating many huge cognitive leaps, one of which is this insanely rapid acquisition of new vocabulary. I guess his brain was in turmoil going to the next stage? It's fun to watch for sure.