So yesterday, with your good suggestions, we put a clear page protector in her folder for this class with TO TURN IN in huge letters on it. I will still need to work with her on making sure the stuff goes IN there, and it won't help with the end-of-class assignment, but I feel like it's a start. I think the other thing we should do is make a to-do list/reminder list or some visible system with a way to write down HW for the class. DD suggested a dry-erase system of some kind. I am proud of her. She's trying!

Because...what I'm hearing is that this class is super low on cues and systems. The teacher does NOT ask for work to be handed in, there are no desks, the seating arrangement is chaotic (and it's easy for her to be missed) and, get this, they are not supposed to take out their planners during the class! So she is orally given assignments and expected to either remember them or write them down later or in, I guess, some other location (her folder?) This is a recipe for disaster. She needs a way to note it.