Originally Posted by ultramarina
In elementary, all HW was very clearly delineated and written on the board every day to copy in the planner, and DD dutifully did this and it worked out.
This is part of the problem. She hasn't been taught to use the planner. Our elementary school does the same thing. Instead of learning to write things down as they're assigned, they learn that you don't write it down until someone tells you to, and it's often at the end of the day, with the teacher adding explanation as they do it.

Who in the real world fills out their planner/calendar at the end of the day when someone tells them to? You write things down as they come up, knowing that this habit protects against forgetting.

As for the specifics of this class: where is she sitting? Some of this can be addressed, or at least helped, by placing her in the spot where the teacher will start the pile of hand outs and all the work coming in from other students will have to go past her. As with eco, a meeting with this teacher about classroom expectations and what the problems appear to be might alert the teacher to the reminders this child will need. Ask the teacher how your child can learn to be successful with remembering to hand things in at the end of this class each day.