Laurie, I have the benefit of working with a school that gets 2e at least to a degree, and wants to do the right thing. Even so, it's difficult to get the appropriate education for complex kids. I've gotten a lot done by making very careful use of the prior levels of performance section on each goal.

Mine are both dx with dyslexia and dysgraphia, but with very high reading levels. I ensure that both associated goals include the reading levels and VIQ numbers alongside the lower spelling and writing scores. For each (sub)goal I look to have, I make sure there's a score in the PLoPs that show the potential, paired with a PLoP that shows the deficit. When the proposed goal hits grade level, I then have them rewrite to hit the reading level/VIQ percentile instead. As such, the spelling intervention that DD started in 5th grade had targets for high school level spelling, not grade level spelling. The use of vocabulary and sentence structure, targeted higher TOWL scores than grade level, but instead targeted her actual vocabulary and sentence construction scores.

YMMV, but it's worked famously for us.