I hate to mention this-- but-- my DD16 recently noted that finally-- now that she is in upper division college literature coursework-- her classmates are on the same page with this stuff. Though she also rather rapidly noted that (while she hoped it didn't sound insufferably elitist or anything) that she was also going to make it a point to take such coursework as 'honors' where possible, to maximize the level and intensity of the in-class discussion and interactions. In other words, she was still well out in front of most other college sophomores when it came to analyzing sonnets, but it was a major step in the right direction. It was what she had HOPED that AP Literature would have provided back when she was 13 (and did not, quite honestly).

I'm not really sure that kids who are reading so far above level can be accommodated very well in terms of the discussion, analysis, and exploration that they need in history, social studies, and literature.

I wonder if there is a CTY course that could be used to fill in that gap for some of them? Or some way of setting up a closed message/meeting for the express purpose?

I really, really feel for other parents living through this. Those were a lot of very lonely years for DD, and she had a teacher that looped with her and understood her for a lot of them.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.