We are in MO. where gifted education is not funded.

His WIAT was done several years ago, but his math reasoning was 127 and his numerical reasoning was 153.
His current WJ shows Calculation 152,Fluency 120, and applied problems and math reasoning was 130. We have used the EPGY program for math for 4 years and have been happy with it.
He does have dyslexia and I know word problems throw him.

I only discovered this site this summer and I have been reading a lot of the older posts; I wish I would have found this site 4 years ago. My life would have been easier if I had. It is comforting to know there are other folks out there dealing with similar situations. We felt very blessed when our children were accepted into the DYS.
It affirms what we knew about their abilities and intellect, now we have to convince our school they are not just average kids with normal general education needs.

Are you a tester by chance? In reading other posts, I notice you seem to understand what all the subtests are truly about and what the numbers mean. I remember the first time that I saw DD12
WISC4 results that all I could wonder about was why are there so many spikes in the graph? I have learned so much over the years simply reading and researching on my own and I still cannot figure out if the school system truly doesn't get it or is it simply that they cannot acknowledge because then they will have to do something aabout it.

Thanks for your insight.