Ohhh moonbeam -- I'm soooo sorry. This sounds like a horribly frustrating situation. I don't have any real experience with LD, but in my brief wonderings if DD has some LD with reading and writing, I've encountered the same school position. Since she's above grade level in reading, her teachers have literally laughed at me when I suggested I thought she struggled with it. When I suggested that her verbal IQ scores indicated her reading achievement test score should be higher than it is, it became rapidly apparent that I knew more about this than they did, and I don't know much!

I believe the DYS folks can be great allies to you in this situation and point you to the resources you need to advocate effectively for your kiddo. But in the meantime . . . . I'm really sorry that this has been so difficult. It just shouldn't have to be this hard. ((((hugs)))))