Thank you everyone for the welcome.

DYS is in the process of writing letters- it is summer and there are lots of vacations and re-assignments of principals and staff. When I spoke with the new principal last week, he said he had never heard of the DYS program. DH and I have been living in a nightmare for about 4 years. We are in a highly rated urban school dist. that does not believe in "outside" testing. They have certain achievement criteria that must be met within the school to be in the gifted program.

I have felt rather alone and unsupported. It was on the advice of our family consultant that I decided to post here asking for support. I would still like to know how do you receive the official 2E label for a child? Because DS remains above or at grade level, he is not considered to have an LD.I am not sure I want any services, I would like him to be challenged academically and have some understanding from the teachers for his difficulties.

We have been homeschooling DS and he is happy but I feel like a fish out of water. Is the big secret that 2E children are all homeschooled?