In my DH's case (who has recently been diagnosed with ASD - old Asperger's diagnosis) while he is quite bright (gifted not sure as he's never been tested) he has no clue about social rules (what's appropriate or not etc) and really suffers from Echolalia.

Ive had close watch on this issue since we have a son (and the heritability of ASD as DH's father also has it). PG/EG runs in my family and DS has been assessed as being PG. He's completely fine so far in social situations as long as he has a connection and doesn't have Echolalia at all.

I did a lot of reading when he was younger as he started to read at 2.5yrs old and came across some research that mentioned 1/3 of kids who read that early would exhibit ASD-like symptoms but they would disappear around the time of starting school.