Originally Posted by notnafnaf
geo, doing butterfly and weak core strength are not mutually exclusive... a lot of issues with core can be coordination, balance and/or endurance. Swimming is a good exercise but does not cover all areas of core strength at all (not even butterfly). It means he can do well in what it takes for butterfly - but still have weak core in other areas - including sitting to write.
Interesting, and point taken. However, we really don't see much of anything that indicates core strength or endurance problems ~ swimming is just one of the areas we see strength. I watched the evaluation, and I'd agree that maybe coordination was more the issue, as he was able to do the exercises with ease beyond the goals set. However, all the exercises were strength/endurance based, not coordination, as the performance in the evaluation looked like a lack of strength. Maybe we just got a shotty OT eval? It wouldn't be the 1st time in our experience...