We are doing a summer bout of OT with DS4 and core floppiness is one of the issues we are addressing.

He compensates for it - but when evaluated he was ... well, floppy.

Maybe working with an OT or PT could help. Some of the things we do:

Have him throw balls "soccer throw in" style (over head with both hands) at targets to make it fun.

Slam things on the floor from overhead (we have some 14" soft medicine balls - we may still get the 2 pound one as the 4 pounder is a bit much. Even pillows or other balls will work - we play "boy hulk" and slam away).

Using the same balls as above we do "walkouts" on the hands (child lies on ball on tummy with hands on floor and walks out).

Any kind of sled pushing exercise (you can get scooter boards with wheels for this).

Maybe t-ball (to make it fun you can hit anything off a t - old plastic bottles, small boxes etc).

Last edited by cmguy; 07/23/15 08:20 AM.