Yeah-- my 0.02, having a kiddo who is in college now, as opposed to be being on the starting side of this journey? A skip-- as in, singular-- is very very unlikely to be worth this much strain on any child who is EG/PG.

ONE will pretty much never be enough in terms of accommodations, and really, this is a lot of stress and strain to put a child through for something so unlikely to do enough.

An unwilling school isn't going to magically "see the light" just because of test results from out of state. Even if you do get some amount of grudging cooperation, they aren't going to see what they don't wish to see, nor are they going to make a good faith effort to do right by your child. IMHO.

I'd invest so much $$ in other ways, I think. But that's me.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.