The gifted program in Bellevue, IMO, was strongly achievement based in the PRISM era. The entirety of the program was considered to be one year ahead of the regular grade and also "deeper". Although we did not hear of rolling back skips in DD's cohort, I can totally picture them doing it if a student tested not quite as academically strong as the gifted program's ideal. We definitely heard of students scoring 80, 85, or 90 on a math placement test and being rejected from single subject advancement because the missing 20% was "crucial". That said, it is hard to find a school district with as high a concentration of highly gifted kids that are also "groomed" by their well educated, academically achieving parents, with a full day gifted program and gifted high school program. Nothing is perfect, but Bellevue is good in many ways. One of the ways that Bellevue is good is that if you opt out of the gifted program the other schools are still quite good and have a lot to offer.