I'm glad to hear he can remain in the program.
Originally Posted by eco21268
--did not respond consistently
--did not check to see the planner photos were taken
--did not keep grade book up to date

On the last day of school, he had a 75-ish percent in the class in question. The day after students were out, the teacher in question added several assignments and his grades, and he fell below 70. Weeks worth of assignments.

The plan is (and I agreed to it) that if DS has even one quarter grade below 70 he is immediately removed from program and has to "go back to regular middle school."

I don't know how to address this via 504 language. If the grade
book is not accurate until after the quarter is over, how will I know what is going on?

This sounds incredibly stressful, like a big gauntlet hanging over our heads all the time. I am all for holding DS accountable, and monitoring his planner, assignments, grades, etc. but what do we do about failure to communicate and keep effective records?

I need language. Can anyone help? I haven't ever seen a 504 accommodation about the teachers' grading and record-keeping. This doesn't seem fair to me.
I don't have any good suggestions but I'm commiserating. We are there with one of DS's teahcers. He isn't getting a D but he was in that situation with this teacher last fall. Final is tomorrow (it's his last) teacher is still updating grades for homework/labs from a months ago and she is giving DS bad grades and we have no idea why. (They were completed) How are the students every supposed to do better if they don't get them back from the last day of class. One of DS's friends had this teacher last year and thought he was doing fine and only when report cards came out did he realize he got a D.

In this case the school KNOWS this teacher has this problem, but there doesn't seem to be much they can do about it. Not much to put into a 504 to make a ineffective teacher do the right thing. Arggg.. Last fall when DS grade was a D we put into his 504 that he do a 'contract' with the teacher every week. This did help because it made the teacher accountable. Unfortunately that was only enforced when his grade was below a C.

Good Luck, I hope DS gets better teachers next year.