First, I apologize for my horrible grammar. The only thing I can say is I always found writing difficult as well but I can't put my finger on it. However, it's is more likely because I'm being emotional.
Second, I don't seem to be able to use the quote function well from my iPad.

So, geofizz's question on anxiety causing writing issues or writing issues causing anxiety. I would say she is in/was in a spiral. I believe writing was the major trigger for her anxiety but became a self-fulfilling prophecy. She would get worked up with prospect of writing and she seized up to a pioint of being in able to write. This anxiety built up so high, she was struggling to function in everything but reading (reading became a place of soothing, she'd open to a random page and read). She feels like she can't do things, feels that she's the slowest learner, and feels that she's the worst in math. She also ice skates and it was a place where she felt confident in December ("I know I can do it even when it's hard" vs not the case at school) and her freak outs didn't happen on the ice. As her anxiety escalated to where "school DD" showed up at the rink rather than "skater DD". It just breaks my heart that she got in such a state.

Now that she's on meds, she is coping much better, interacting with classmates and working hard on her skating. However, she still avoids writing, still thinks she's not a good learner. As a side note, the WISC-IV was administered pre-medication, the Kaufman test was administered with 4 days of meds.

aeh - I am perplexed as her teacher's and therapist's observations of her ability to recall details. For example, her therapist states with every visit that she doesn't miss a thing. DD will notice any slight change in her office or if a tiny toy is missing or in a different place or telling all about our pending trip to Yellowstone. I have to read up on the different kinds of memory.

polarbear - I'm taking notes from your comments and you erased exactly how I feel. What is at the root of her struggle? What is frustrating her? I'll keep and eye for the black hole and keep looking for answers. All her teachers (K-2) and other adults that know her remark on how smart she is.
I have a lot of reading to do - fortunately it's a strength like my DD.
Thanks for the help!