Thanks so much, I'm going to have to go back through the test scores and narratives with all this advice. The school psychologist did note that she tended to not answer rather than guess. With the meds attenuating the anxiety, we're seeing some things like the depth of her perfectionism and self-doubt. So, I think she'd rather not answer than to guess and be incorrect. She thinks she's the slowest learner in her class and the worst at math. Her teacher and I are floored as she gets stuff no other kid gets in her class. So, we're both trying to show her how much she knows. She just got beast academy books and LOVES them. Hoping that will help build interest in taking on challenge and help her feel good about it.

polarbear - your DS sounds like my DD. She goes completely blank with writing assignments, especially ones where she can write whatever she wants. Pre-meds, she would fall off the emotional cliff. She loves to draw though and one way to get ideas flowing is for her to draw pictures then write about the pictures. Her drawings are not that different from any other second grader except for the incredible amount of detail. They just started writing poetry and she likes doing that - something to explore.

aeh - the psychiatrist and another psychologist said she has a combination of behaviors that are associated with ASD but didn't think she was ASD. The psych thought maybe ADHD-inattentive in addition to the anxiety but wanted the psychiatrist to have a look (and give a medication consult). Psychiatrist wanted to get a handle on the anxiety before further examining for ADHD. She also wasn't sure if rigidity was leading to anxiety or anxiety leading to rigidity. I think it's the latter. DD became more and more rigid as her anxiety amped up. On the meds, she is calmer and more flexible (but still won't eat anything green 😝).

I have her CogAt report but can't find the NNAT. I can get that from school. Tomorrow is therapist appt for the anxiety, so more calculations such as GAI will probably wait for the weekend. As a side note, my kiddo very much reminds me of me and seems to be wired like me. I was identified as gifted as a kid and so in my shock of a lower than expected FSIQ, I asked my dad if I had an IQ test. It was highly likely SB (from the mod-1970s) and my dad said I scored in the 150s-160s. DH wasn't labeled as gifted but his sister skipped a grade sometime in early elementary. It made me feel better to think that I'm not crazy or "that mom" to think DD is gifted.

Thanks again and I know I'll be back with more questions.