Oldest dd is getting married this summer, so that is our biggest summer event! She was in a PhD science program, hated it, switched gears, and is looking for a new job after the wedding.

Second dd received her masters degree and is starting Harvard Law in the fall. We are excited to move her from her current location in the Midwest to Cambridge (where dh and I fell in love :)).

Ds15 is finishing up a great freshman year - ran track and XC, did orchestra and jazz band, played chess, is taking driver's ed, and will start his first college class this summer through a program for high-achieving HS students at a local LAC. I need to take him to get his college ID next week - weird!

Ds13 had a good year in 7th grade. He'll be taking the HS bus with his brother next year for 1st period Alg II Trig, but not for HS credit, which we actually prefer. He's a little more laid back with grades, lol, so no need to put this on his HS transcript. He went to state for Mathcounts and state for Science Fair, which were both fun, and I think made him feel better (strangely enough, he hasn't really been viewed as the "academic" one).

All in all, it was a pretty good year for all the kids. For everyone out there with younger kids, it is SO much better, IMO, once they get a little older and have more options. I also feel like in grade school, it's hard for kids who don't exactly fit the mold. Second DD was a girl who didn't like math, didn't come across as super academic if she wasn't interested, and wasn't in-your-face about being smart (she was usually hiding with a book). By 6th grade, she was finally in a gifted program and rocked it, but we had a few rough years before that. I'd LOVE to go back and tell a few of her grade school teachers how she's doing now, but I don't think I could do it without being snarky. smile