It was quite a year for us. Here are the Cliff Notes (are those still a thing?)

It was DS6's first year at school (Kindergarten) and he really liked the routine, the teacher, and the other kids. We learned, however, he was not being challenged, and it became obvious to us that he needed subject or grade acceleration for next year. Unfortunately, the school did not agree, so we were faced with the risk of him losing interest in first grade next year or looking elsewhere. As part of "looking elsewhere," we learned that he is highly gifted (which came as a surprise). Next year, he is going to a private gifted school in first grade (whose curriculum starts at a second grade level and accelerates by ability as needed).

Add to that all of the up-and-down emotions we've had as parents, and it really has been quite a year. smile

This summer will be filled with science camp, swimming, and family camp. We're looking forward to them all!