DD still has two weeks to go but is about to finish 5th grade and complete,the second year after her whole grade skip. So far solid As.

Her ability to knuckle down and just crank out the homework assignments has improved tremendously this year as has her handwriting which looks almost adult now - I could not believe the difference when I saw her pseudo-code for a Python project she has started.

She will start middle school (our SD starts this in sixth) August and she will be in the rigorous 8th grade Algebra I track there (3 year Maths acceleration) we will see how this works out - the teacher has the reputation of being a tough teacher which could just mean she is pro rigour (A fantastic thing if true) but as long as she does well by my DD I don't care...

For the summer we will be heading to Reno late June for a long weekend and going to a museum about 2 hours away built on the Sutter's Mill site both of which we are looking forward to. She will also spend 3 weeks away at a residential CTY camp.

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