The CogAt and NNAT norms have been updated, with noticeable improvement for the NNAT2, but the Ravens' have not.

There have been a number of attempts to clean up the norms for the Ravens over the past few decades, but most of them consist of convenience samples. In the USA, there are 1984/1986 children's norms derived from 22,000 samples collected in ten regional sites (aka, convenience samples), with no true national norms, just some extra-smoothed approximations. There are also 1993 adult norms from---Des Moines, Iowa?! Pearson waves its hands and claims that Des Moines is pretty representative of the whole USA, right?

So the children's norms are 30 years old, and weren't population representative to begin with, and the adult norms are nearly as old, and apparently representative of a single midwest city.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...