Our school does the computerized test so it's not just about bubbles. The child has to be mature enough to concentrate on a test for as long as it takes to complete. Older children typically have longer attention spans. Also, from what I understand, the proctor administers each question and then waits for each child who is testing to select their answer to move on to the next one. I can see how this would be distracting for some kids, especially for those who answer quickly.

From third grade on, they work through the test on their own within the specified time limit.

At any rate, I think it's good to have the option to take tests both in early and later elementary, but obviously not so much that kids are testing every year. My child took the test in first grade (parent/teacher referral - average scores, not admitted), second grade (passed the NNAT screen and nominated for additional testing - was admitted due to high quantitative score), and third grade (all GT students screened for HG program). For some reason they test all kids admitted into the HG program again in fifth grade, so he will have taken the cogat test 4 times in elementary school. At least he gets next year off.