She doesn't realise it but another parent has benefitted from me identifying her own child as gifted! DD7 is very mathy and last year, along with another child, was given extension maths with every maths lesson. Her teacher was astute and very lovely and also organised some achievement teaching which put them both at least 2 years ahead, meaning that even the more challenging of the streamed classes the following year wouldn't be enough (and they're not). DD's teacher and I had to really emphasise that her maths was unusual, not just top of the class.

I got DD7 tested to ensure that she was similarly extended this year (it's taken a term, but I think her new teacher needed to get a feel for her abilities herself) and also asked that she continue in the class with her mathy friend. So they're both doing the more challenging work - her teacher's made up a separate booklet for them both.

Her friend's mum is lovely but English is not her first language (although to be fair she speaks 4 languages) and a detailed discussion about it all would be tricky.