Originally Posted by Mahagogo5
I agree that the response from some parents is puzzling to me. There is definitely a taboo out there, but I'm one of those who prefers to talk things out in the open in the hopes that my being honest and open gives others the permission to either do the same or at least the feeling they are not alone. I do this with everything (I'm a total over sharer - might as well put it to good use) so I will talk openly about my struggles with PND, financial ups and downs, parenting struggles etc.

I hope that by just being out there about DD's giftedness (never the LOG) others will get a better understanding of what it is/isn't and I also take care not to brag/humble brag, just very matter of fact.

I know some people find it off putting but overall I'm happy with where I'm at. We had a group discussion about whether IQ was innate and usually I would keep my mouth shut in that situation but this time I spoke out against some pretty offensive and just plain inaccurate "facts" that where being spouted. To my great surprise a good 1/3 of the room backed me up. Who knew?

Out of curiosity what are the offensive facts about innate IQ? Sorry if this has been covered already.