Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in as it were. I can't speak about schooling options where you are but a major reason for us not home schooling at this point in time is for me to have a "break" with just the 2yo while dd5 is at school. I can't tell you how valuable this is for me right now (1 month in) and also for DS who really has missed out while I was catering for DD.

Is it a possibility that you enrol DS in the least worst fit for a finite time just so you can get the space you need to reassess and define DS's and rest of the family's needs? Although I agree that some harm can be done with kids being made to fit in even in a short period of time, perhaps your son can adapt an attitude of short term acceptance.

Perhaps once your little one is 3 you might feel more able to consider home schooling, perhaps by then the public school will have become a good fit, perhaps the Greyson school has opened and you have had a chance to properly evaluate. Sometimes the correct decision is no decision (for now). Hugs to you!

btw - DD (HG++?) most likely does not have peers at her school however she has already made fast friends with several older kids - at this age I think playmates may be more valuable that intellectual peers, particularly so if you are able to enrol DS in a weekly program catering to gifted kids where he can mix with others.

We chose a school with a high level of LD children with staff very comfortable to catering to a variety of learning abilities and are assessing on a term by term basis - so far so good.