DS is in second grade and goes to 5th grade for math and is in a group working on 6th grade math. I was worried that the older kids wouldn't be nice to him, but it hasn't been a problem. Luckily the school coordinates the math schedules so that kids can move between grades when necessary. For lang. arts he is in a "book club" and I believe he is in a group of kids who are in mostly third grade, reading 5th grade books. The school also ability groups for spelling (they find a "developmental spelling level" whatever that is).

The school is non-traditional and none of it is a big deal. They were actually going to place him higher for math but I asked for him to be moved down. It's a public school. The other schools we had tried made a huge stink about subject acceleration and wouldn't even move him up one grade for math. I think the main objection was that it messes up their scheduling and it makes things too complicated for them. If the schedules aren't aligned, then the kid will miss a different subject on a daily basis.