When DS was in K he went to year 1 for Maths and later in the year for Language Arts. Overall I think it was a much better option than staying in his own class all day. DS then skipped year 1 and went straight to year 2, which has had some challenges, but we are nearly halfway through the year, and overall we are happy with our decision.

I think one thing to look out for with subject acceleration is what do they do when students get to the top years of the school. Just make sure they have a plan to continue the advanced work.

Also, with DS, we found that he was still not challenged with the single subject acceleration, and while it was better, it was not enough. The school thought he was challenged, so he did not receive any differentiation in addition to the subject acceleration. We are at a new school this year, and even with the grade skip, the school is providing extension work to DS and making sure he is challenged.

Good luck, and it sounds like a great step in the right direction to me.