Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
I know what is going on in that head of hers-- but it doesn't mean that I have any way to shift it.

This is what I worry about with my kids and my sanity... because I know I was very stubborn, and DD is already showing her very stubborn streak and I just wonder how this is going to play out. Even at 2, sometimes it is like dealing with a nit-picky lawyer (even her teacher has commented on that - we are very, very careful about what promises we make because she will come back to collect on her markers, and she does NOT forget) and I never know what will cause her to dig in her heels. At least I can pick her up now, but that won't work down the road...

When both of us are in an unhappy mood, DH cringes at our identical pouts and dagger-shooting eyes if he gets in the middle.