Yes there are Montessori schools and I've learned that not all are the same. The more I read about on sites like this and SENG and Hoagies' the more I realize how hard I will have to fight to try to keep him in a traditional setting. I have been reading every book I can get my hands on and have talked to everyone who will listen. I have yet to hear any good news associated with school. The more I read the more I realize that I'm gifted too. I hated school. It was hell and I spent most of my teen years stoned because I just couldn't stand the boredom anymore. My family just wanted me to fit in and conform, so I became average. I watch my son learn and I see the light in his eyes and I NEVER want that taken away from him. I love my son more then I ever dreamed I could love anything and what my family and society did (with good intentions) I never want my son to have to endure. I realize I can't protect him forever, but I want to give him a chance to become stronger in his confidence of his abilities. He is so outgoing, funny, trusting, and loving. It took me a long time to make peace and realize that I can do anything I put my mind to, to get my spirit back. Maybe once I get him on the right track I'll become a lobbiest for the gifted. For now I need to protect my son.

Sorry if this is strong. I am just so saddened that we all have to fight to allow these wonderful children with such amazing gifts to become what God had intended them to be.