DS4 has been tested for a gifted program at The College of William & Mary. They don't use a full battery of tests only 2 parts of Wechsler and 2 parts of WJ-III.

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence � Third Edition
Subtest Scaled Score Percentile Rank Qualitative Range
Block Design 10 50 Average (he built a house w/blocks)
Vocabulary 14 91 Superior

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ-III)
Subtest Standard Score for Age Percentile Rank for Age Qualitative Range
Letter-Word Identification 203 99.9 Superior
Applied Problems 139 99.5 Superior

He has had 2 classes so far and loves it! He also goes to preschool for 3 hours 2 days a week. He loves playing with the other kids but has become very disruptive during class time. He has told me it's boring. I have tried to explain to him that everybody has to do some things that are boring (try vacuuming...) and if he wants to play with his friends he has to cooperate. His birthday is 12/11 and I am having a very hard time even finding a private school that will allow him to enter early. The only one I can find is a glorified 1/2 day daycare *more toys then education* and they want over $4000/year!

He loves to be with other kids so I'm not sure if homeschooling will meet his social need, but I think he will become frustrated and bored if his mind goes unchallenged.

I feel very overwhelmed by this decision. I truly want his first experience in school to be wonderful. I'm not sure if this is possible. (Sorry this is sooooo long)